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Publishing with Jen
A Quote “If you're not a public-figure, a movie star, mogul, comedian, PHD, musician, front page criminal, politician, etc. it's going to be VERY hard to get an agent. If you want to see your book in print, publish it yourself. Either way, you'll have to do the marketing.”

Publishing with Jen

For editing, design, and assistance with and advice on,

publishing books and documents.

How do I Publish My Book?


There are many reasons for doing so!

I want to hold my book in my hand and show friends and family what I have produced. It is important to me that this story be told but it will probably not be an international best-seller. I am happy to market my own book, as I am the one who understands its potential. I do not want to sign over my copy-right and publishing-rights to a publisher. I want to print a limited number of books initially, knowing that with digital printing, more can be printed as the need arises. I understand that I would pay for the printing but that the difference between that cost and what I sell the book for, will be money in my pocket. I know I would need to be guided through the process of self-publishing. JUST CLICK ON SERVICES / EXAMPLES FOR MORE INFORMATION.